23 жовтня 2023 року в Галицький фаховий коледж імені В'ячеслава Чорновола було визначено переможця Конкурсу есе на тему «Як знання та застосування іноземних мов наближають перемогу України», який проводився на відзначення Європейського дня мов цикловою комісією іноземних мов серед учнів 9-11 класів ЗЗСО м. Тернополя та області.Переможцем конкурсу став Денис Зарівний учень 9-А класу ТЗОШ №13 ім. А. Юркевича, м. Тернопіль.Вітаємо переможця та запрошуємо всіх учасників конкурсу приєднатися до нашого Speaking Club, який розпочинає свою роботу з 24.10.2023р. в рамках співпраці з Корпусом Миру США в межах програми Virtual Service Pilot!Диплом переможця буде надіслано електронною поштою.
Зразок однієї з робіт для ознайомлення.
Зарівний Денис Романович учень 9-А класу
м. Тернопіль, ТЗОШ №13 ім. А. Юркевича,
How the knowledge of English makes Ukrainian victory closer
Language has always been recognized as a powerful tool that, which has the force to knock to people's hearts and minds. In Ukrainian situation the knowledge English helps to make the victory closer and more realistic. As Ukrainian proverb says "The tongue will lead to Kyiv" and it definitely has already led to the USA, the UK, Canada and many other powerful states.
Firstly, all diplomatic interaction is possible only because the knowledge of English. It is quite obvious, that when person speaks English fluently it is much easier to make a deal. What is more, it helps to be on the top of any conversation and without a hesitation explain the importance of help and support for Ukraine. In this way, the perfect knowledge of English is a powerful advantage.
Secondly, Ukraine faced with the situation when we need to convince world politics and businessmen that we are the people, whom they can trust and invest in Ukraine. The reason is that for many years our inner economy was focused on the East market, but not for a European one. The world does not know much about Ukraine, our responsibility and proficiency. We have to do our best and to apply all our knowledge of English to make our conviction detailed and persuasive. Everything is in our hands or it is better to say on the tip of the tongue.
To conclude, not surprising that phrase "Stand for Ukraine!" flew around the world and shook the world community. It was the language that became the nucleus that united different peoples and nations in one impulse. Supporting Ukraine and providing it with all necessary weapons is the key to victory. And knowledge of the English language became one of the manifestations of democracy and civilized world.