Для осіб з порушенням зору


International integration is one of the priority areas of the College's educational activities. The College solves a range of tasks related to teaching and research work, the development of mobility of students and teachers, improving the material and technical base through developing existing and establishing new contacts with international partners.

The main priorities of international cooperation are:

  • to build cooperation with College graduates working in international companies in Ukraine and abroad;
  • to encourage and support teaching initiatives on participation in international innovation projects;
  • to form global competence of a modern young person, able to learn and work with people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds;
  • to develop international cooperation with various organizations in the field of education, science, culture, and sports;
  • to study the best practices of foreign partners in the implementation of educational training programs similar to those carried out at the College;
  • to promote the participation of staff and students in international academic mobility programs.

indexМіжнародна проєктна діяльність коледжу у реалізації завдань професійної освіти (2018-2019р.р.)