Для осіб з порушенням зору

Баб'юк О. В.

Вид публікації: Стаття
Галузь знань: Освіта/педагогіка
Форма публікації: Друкована
Рік публікації: 2023
Назва видання: Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Серія: педагогіка. Том 1 № 1 (2023) c.232-238
URL публікації:


Translators training programs have been or are going to be introduced in some colleges at the level of professional junior bachelor, which can be explained by the increased demand for such specialists in different fields. The article studies the case of Viacheslav Chornovil Halytskyi Professional College which was among the first institutions that developed and introduced the professional junior bachelor program of translator training. The article identifies the peculiarities of professional translator training in colleges, grounds the most effective strategies of educational program and syllabus design; determines effective methods of professional translator training in colleges.
Three different design strategies are usually determined in modern literature – forward design, central design, and backward design. Forward design means developing a program/curriculum starting with content, then moving to process, and then to outcomes. Central design focuses first on the process and classroom methodology and then deals with content and outcomes. Backward design starts from outcomes and then determines content and process.
The analysis of professional translator training in colleges enabled the conclusions that backward design seems to be the most appropriate for education program development; forward and backward designs can be recommended for syllabus development; Content and Language Integrated Learning with reasonable use of authentic scenarios, activities and immersion in professional situations proved its effectiveness.


Ключові слова
professional translator training, colleges, educational program, syllabus, Content and Language Integrated Learning


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